About this Manual

We've attempted to make this manual as user friendly as possible by making the text clear and interactive.

In particular we have incorporated:

Below you will find a key to the conventions we've used throughout the manual.

Text Styles

Item Appearance Color Style Description
Navigation Link NEXT > lt blue bold links to navigate within the manual
Manual Link The Basics plum bold
In-text links to other manual sections
Glossary Link Paint plum italic links to glossary definitions
Web Link Resources blue underline links to web resources
Interface Item Edit Menu rust bold MandalaMaker user interface elements
If the element has a manual section, provides a link to that section
Menu Command Save As… green italic references to Menu commands
Shape Type Circle purple bold references to MandalaMaker shape types
Attribute Name Radius lt green italic references to names of adjustable settings
Attribute Value Palette lt green bold references to assigned values of adjustable settings

Highlight Icons and Boxes

We have used a few special icons and text box types to alert you to important information.

The Icons appear both in the boxes, where addition explanation is required, or bare, to highlight a section of the text.

The "New in 2.0" icon alerts you to features new in MandalaMaker Version 2, and to behavior in Version 2 which differs from the behavior of Version 1.

If you are a veteran of the original MandalaMaker, you will want to pay special attention to these areas.

Be Aware:

The Alert Icon is used to let you know about potential pitfalls and places where confusion can arise.

All readers of this manual will want to be aware of these areas.