Working with Shapes

Shapes are the basic building blocks of MandalaMaker drawing. In the current version of MandalaMaker (v2.0), the following Shape types are available:

  • Arc
  • Circle
  • Crescent
  • Diamond
  • Doorway - Pointed
  • Doorway - Rounded
  • Egg
  • Eye
  • Flower
  • Heart
  • Lotus
  • Oval
  • Palace
  • Planet
  • Rectangle
  • Ring of Shapes
  • Star
  • Wedge
  • Yantra

The Shape type is selected from the Shapes Popup of the Shape Palette. A Shape is added to the mandala by clicking the New Shape Button on the Task Bar found at the bottom of the Canvas window. Each type of shape has various attributes which can be set to alter its appearance. Attributes are set either by adjusting the Attribute Sliders and other controls on the Shape Palette and Ringshape Palette (in the case of Compound Shapes like the Planet and Ring of Shapes), or by direct manipulation of the selection handles of a selected shape.

We will now look at each Shape type and their available attributes.


The Arc shape creates circular segments.

The Arc has a Radius attribute like the Circle.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Arc's selection handles.

At an Arc value of 0, the shape is non-existant. As the Arc value is increased, the shape grows to a half-moon at 180 and to a full circle at 360.

The Arc can be set only from the Shape Palette slider.

The Rotation attribute adjusts the Arc's orientation on the Canvas. The value of the Rotation attribute is a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.0 places the Arc's flat side in the "nine o'clock" position. At 0.5 the Arc has been rotated 180 degrees and the flat appears at "three o'clock." At rotation of 1.0 the Arc has been rotated 360 degrees, and looks exactly as it did at 0.0.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.


The Circle is the most basic Shape.

The only attribute available with the Circle is the Radius. The Radius value is the radius of the Circle in pixels.

The Radius can be set by dragging the Radius Slider in the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the selection handles.


The Crescent makes "moon" shapes from fingernail crescents, through quarter, half and gibbous shapes to a full moon circle.

The Radius attribute acts just as it does in the other circle based shapes described above.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Crescent's selection handles.

The Fullness attribute ranges from 0 to 100. 0 creates a slim line-width crescent, 50 creates a half moon and 100 a full circle.

The Fullness can be set either from the Fullness slider, or by dragging the central selection handle of the Crescent.

The Rotation attribute rotates the Crescent through a full circle. At 0.0 the open side of the Crescent faces left, at 0.5 the open side faces right, and at 1.0 the Crescent is back to the 0.0 position.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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The Diamond makes quadrangles defined by their opposite corner-to-corner dimensions. Shapes vary from squares to diamond card suit shapes and beyond.

Width and Length
The Width and Length attributes adjust the corner-to-corner dimensions of the shape.

The Width and Length can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging the appropriate selection handle.

The Rotation allows you to rotate the Diamond around its center. A Rotation of 0.5 represents a 90 degree rotation from 0. At a Rotation of 1.0 the Diamond has been rotated 180 degrees, at which point it is indistinguishable from the same Diamond at 0 rotation.

The Rotation can be set from the Rotation Slider on the Shape Palette or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.



The Egg allows the creation of asymmetrical ovoids ranging from "teardrops" to various "egg-like" shapes.

The Height attribute defines the long axis dimension of the shape.

The Height can be set either from the Height Slider or by dragging one of the selection handles.

Width 1 & 2
Width 1 and Width 2 adjust the roundness and width of the Egg's two ends. A width of 0 creates a pointed end. For a classic egg shape, set one width to 2 and the other width to 4.

Width 1 and Width 2 can be set only from the Shape Palette sliders.

The Rotation allows you to rotate the Egg around its center. A Rotation of 0.5 represents a 180 degree rotation from 0. At a Rotation of 1.0 the Egg has been rotated 360 degrees, at which point it is indistinguishable from the same Egg at 0 Rotation.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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The Eye creates "human eye" or lens shapes.

The Length attribute adjusts the "long" axis dimension of the shape. An Eye of a given Length will be circumscribed by a Circle with the same Radius.

The Length can be adjusted using the Length slider, or by dragging the selection handles at the corners of the Eye.

The Width adjusts the "openness" of the Eye. The range of settings for the Length and Width allow for a wide range of shapes, which may or may not look like eyes.

The Width can be adjusted using the Width slider, or by dragging the selection handles on the rounded part of the Eye.

The Rotation attribute moves the Eye around it's center from the 0.0 position for a total of 180 degrees at the 1.0 position, at which point it identical to the 0.0 setting.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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The Radius of a Flower represents the radius of a Circle which passes through the cusp points where the petals of the Flower meet.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Flower's selection handles.

Petal Length
The Petal Length controls the length and shape of the Flower's petals. At 0 the Flower is not a flower shape at all but a regular polygon. A value of 50 creates a Flower with semi-circular petals. Higher values yield Flowers with longer petals. Negative values of this attribute are also available, creating more abstract, but still "flower-like" shapes.

The Petal Length must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

# of Petals
The # of Petals attribute selects the number of petals the Flower will have.

The # of Petals must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

The Rotation values for the Flower are similar to those of the Star. A value of 0.5 will place the petals of a Flower halfway between the petals of the a similar Flower with the same # of Petals at Rotation 0.0.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.



The Heart draws a classic Valentine heart shape.

The Heart Width attribute represents both the width and height of the Heart. A Heart with a specific Width is as wide and tall as a Circle with the same Radius. A Rectangle with its Width and Height set to the same value as the Heart's Width will perfectly enclose the Heart.

The Width can be adjusted in the Shape Palette, or by dragging one of the selection handles.

The Rotation attribute for a Heart represents a fraction of a full rotation. A Rotation of 0.0 sets the Heart "right side up." At 0.5 the Heart is upside down and at 1.0 is back to the upright position.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.



The Lotus creates a flower shape with pointed petals as found in traditional Tibetan mandalas. Its behavior is very similar to that of the Flower and has the same attributes which are adjusted in the same ways, except that the Lotus has no Petal Length adjustment.



Radius A & B
The Oval has two radius attributes called Radius A and Radius B. Radius A represents the horizontal size of the Oval when Rotation is set to 0. Radius B represents the vertical size of the Oval at 0 rotation.

The Radius A and Radius B attributes can be set using the sliders on the Shape Palette, or by dragging the selection handles on the desired radius of the Oval.

The Rotation allows you to rotate the Oval around its center. A Rotation of 0.5 represents a 90 degree rotation from 0. At a Rotation of 1.0 the Oval has been rotated 180 degrees, at which point it is indistinguishable from the same Oval at 0 rotation.

The Rotation can be set from the Rotation Slider on the Shape Palette or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.


The Palace creates the palace shape used in traditional Tibetan mandalas. The square represents the palace of a deity and the protrusions on the sides represent the doors to the palace.

The Width attribute sets the width of the central square in pixels. A Circle with a Radius of half a given Palace's Width will be perfectly circumscribed by the Palace.

The Width can be adjusted in the Shape Palette, or by dragging one of the selection handles.

Door Height
The Door Height sets the distance that the doors protrude from the central square.

The Door Height must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

Door Width
The Door Width sets the width of the widest part of the doors. If the Door Width is greater than the Width a non-traditional shape will result.

The Door Width must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

Throat Width
The Throat Width sets the width of the narrower section of the doors. If the Throat Width is greater than the Door Width a non-traditional shape results.

The Throat Width must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

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The Planet draws a single shape as a planet in orbit around the centerpoint. The "orbit" does not show, and is drawn in the diagram only to make it clear how the Planet's position is determined. The Planet attributes set the size of the "orbit" and the position of the planet in the orbit. To change the shape and attributes of the orbiting shape you use the Ringshape Palette.

The Radius attribute sets the radius of the "orbit" that the Planet shape sits on. In other words, the Radius is the distance from the mandala's centerpoint to the centerpoint of the Planet shape.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Planet's selection handles.

The Rotation attribute determines the position of the Planet shape in the orbit. At 0.0 the planet is in the 3 o'clock position. At 0.25 it is at 6 o'clock. The shape continues clockwise around the orbit as the Rotation increases, until it returns to the 3 o'clock position at Rotation 1.0.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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Width & Height
The Width attribute adjusts the horizontal dimension of the Rectangle when it is in the "upright" position (i.e. with rotation of 0.0). Similarly, the Height attribute adjusts the vertical dimension of the Rectangle. The value of the Width and Height attributes is one half the width or height of the Rectangle in pixels. In this way, a Circle with Radius 60 will be inscribed in a Rectangle with Width and Height both set to 60.

The Width and Height attributes can be set using the sliders on the Shape Palette or by dragging the handles on the appropriate side of the Rectangle.

The Rotation attribute adjusts the Rectangle's orientation on the Canvas. The value of the Rotation attribute is a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0. A Rotation of 0.0 is the "upright" position. At Rotation 0.5 the Rectangle has been rotated 90 degrees and appears "on its side." At Rotation of 1.0 the shape has been rotated 180 degrees, and looks exactly as it did at 0.0.

The Rotation can be adjusted from the Shape Palette, or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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Ring of Shapes

You can think of the Ring of Shapes as an orbit containing mulitple planets at regular intervals, or as an invisible star with a shape at each point. The Ring of Shape attributes set the size of the invisible star or orbit, how many shapes are in the ring and the position of the shapes in the ring. To change the shape that appears in the ring and set its attributes you use the Ringshape Palette.

The Radius attribute sets the size of the invisible orbit or star that determines the placement of the shapes.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Ring of Shapes's selection handles.

# of Shapes
The # of Shapes attribute sets the number of shapes that appear in the ring, or the number of points in the invisible star.

The # of Shapes must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

The Rotation determines where the shapes appear on the ring, or the rotation of the invisible star.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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The Star draws a regular polygon with a number of adjustable attributes.

The Radius attribute value represents the radius in pixels of a Circle circumscribing the Star. In other words, a Star with given Radius will fit exactly inside a Circle with the same Radius.

The Radius can be adjusted from the Radius slider or by dragging the selection handles at the points of the Star.

# of Points
The # of Points attribute selects the number of points that the Star will have.

The # of Points must be adjusted from the # of Points slider.

The Rotation attribute values range from 0.0 to 1.0. A rotation of 0.5 will put the points of the Star halfway between the points of a similar Star at 0.0 Rotation. Similarly, a Rotation of 0.25 will place the points halfway between those of the 0.0 and 0.5 Stars.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

The Sharpness attribute adjusts the "pointy-ness" of the Star. The Sharpness value represents a percentage of sharpness. At Sharpness of 0 percent, the Star is a regular polygon (i.e. a pentagon, octagon, etc.). At Sharpness 100 percent the Star is so pointy that its points appear as radial lines.

The Sharpness can be adjusted with the Sharpness slider or by dragging the selection handles which fall in the "valleys" between points of the Star.

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The Wedge shape create pie slice shapes (known in mathematics as circular sectors).

The Wedge has a Radius attribute like the Circle.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Wedge's selection handles.

The Arc attribute, adjusts the size of the pie slice drawn. The value of the Arc attribute is the size of the central angle in degrees. At 0 the Wedge is just a radial line, at 90 it is one quarter of a circle, and at 360 it is the same as a Circle of the same radius.

The Arc can be set only from the Shape Palette slider.

The Rotation attribute adjusts the Wedge's orientation on the Canvas. The value of the Rotation attribute is a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.0 places the Wedge in the "three o'clock" position. At 0.5 the Wedge has been rotated 180 degrees and appears at "nine o'clock." At Rotation of 1.0 the shape has been rotated 360 degrees, and looks exactly as it did at 0.0.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.


The Yantra creates a traditional Hindu yantra design.

The Radius sets the size of the design. A Yantra of a given Radius will be perfectly circumscribed by a Circle of the same Radius.

The Radius can be set from the Shape Palette or by dragging one of the Yantra's selection handles.

# of Triangles
The # of Triangles attribute sets the number of triangles drawn. Nine triangles create the full traditional yantra.

The # of Triangles must be adjusted from the Shape Palette

The Rotation attribute rotates the design around its center, with a rotation of 0.5 representing a 180 degree rotation.

The Rotation can be set from the Shape Palette's Rotation slider or by holding down the Alt/Option Key while dragging one of the selection handles.

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