MandalaMaker™ Resources

For the latest MandalaMaker information and updates visit the MandalaMaker website at:

For our take on mandalas visit The Goodwin's Mandala Page at:

Below is a selection of links to get you started exploring the world of mandalas.

Mandalas: Buddhist Tantric Diagrams A fascinating explanation of the construction of Tibetan Buddhist mandalas. Site created by Patrick A. George.

Hindi Yantras Yantra construction explained in detail by Patrick George.

The Rossi Collection A collection of early Tibetan Mandalas in JPEG format.

A good article on Tibetan Sand Mandalas can be found at

Chartres Rose Window Geometry by Michael S. Schneider, M.Ed. Mathematics describes how to "construct the universe" through the geometry of Rose Windows.

Mandalas and Knot Designs A mathematical look at mandalas from the Center for the Computation and Visualization of Geometric Structures, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center at the University of Minnesota.